Kakaw Designs

Telling a Multitude of Regionally Specific Stories Through Weaving

Working with weavers from San Juan Chamelco, Cobán (picbil), San Juan la Laguna (natural dye, jaspe, and backstrap weaving), San Juan Cotzal (backstrap weaving, brocade), and Momostenango (wool rug weaving), every Kakaw Design creation tells a unique and regionally specific story. For example, picbil weaving can be identified by its light open weave and repeating geometric and zoomorphic patterns, this time-intensive technique produces highly coveted huipiles. Items made with rare ixcaco heirloom cotton can be identified by their soft light brown color. Brocade items from the San Juan Cotzal community may include figures like the tzichin (money bird), mazat (deer), or mam munte (volcanoes). And of course, jaspe is Guatemala’s traditional technique of ikat.

In addition to their meticulous attention to regional traditions, Kakaw Designs works with the Corazón del Lago Cooperative, which produces dyes from pericón, cochineal, indigo, logwood, coffee, chamomile, and coconut to name a few. By collaborating with Corazón del Lago, Kakaw has been able to introduce a measure of innovation to these traditional art forms and provide weavers the opportunity to explore their mediums further through the use of additional color.

Mari Gray, founder of Kakaw Designs, was born in Antigua, Guatemala. The daughter of a Japanese textile artist, Mari has been immersed in artistry since birth. Her goal in creating Kakaw Designs is to provide a social enterprise model that directly supports women weavers while empowering them to explore innovations within textile design. Mari has known many of the weavers she now works with since birth. One of her closest collaborators includes Francisca, leader of the Corazón del Lago cooperative. Francisca has dedicated her time to exploring the creation of new hues with locally available ingredients, as well as continuing the tradition of backstrap weaving, which was passed down to her from her mother. 


Lidia Amanda López de López


Nanasei Agyemang